My Approach Starts With You

It all starts with getting to know you and creating a safe space where you can share with whatever you are comfortable sharing as I will never push you and will always ask for your consent before trying something new.  I have supported hundreds of people over the past few years and no two people had the exact same symptoms (even the ones that had the same diagnosis).  

Brain retraining, nervous system regulation tools, and the deeper inner work have all evolved significantly over the past few years where it is now understood that a one-size-fits all approach is not as effective as a personalized approach.  I firmly believe that there are many paths to healing.  To help find a path that works for you requires me to know more about some of your history (what you feel comfortable sharing), what things you have tried so far, what fears or doubts you may have, and more, to get a better understanding on what may be causing your symptoms.

The reason for symptoms that is often given online is that the brain is perceiving danger.  And while there is some truth in there, it often goes much deeper than that as there may be something lurking in the subconscious mind that may be a factor in causing some of the symptoms.  Most of the people that I work with have tried more than one program, have worked with more than a few coaches, and have not been able to get past feeling stuck.  

I specialize in helping people find the subconscious patterns that may be hindering their progress.  And this is only done when they are ready and when the subconscious is ready.  

I call myself an "integrative" mind body coach because I am not attached to any single tool, perspective, or modality.  Whether it's neural brain retraining, somatics, fascia exercises, vagal toning, the vast amount of nervous system regulation tools, functional neurology eye exercises, tapping of different kinds, inner child work, etc. the set of tools, how they are used, and their frequency will all be tailored to your specific needs. 

My philosophy on using tools is that while they are very supportive on anyone's healing journey, they are not the most important thing.  An essential component of healing is who you are being while you are using tools.  For what seemed like endless months, I used my tools out of fear, urgency, and trying to fix myself because I thought I was broken.  Which was understandable, and when the brain and nervous system are stuck in a survival state, this is a normal and reasonable response. 

One of the keys to sending those signals of safety to our nervous system is to slowly and gradually change the perception of what is actually happening and step into acceptance and neutrality towards our symptoms.  I'm not saying one should ignore their symptoms, that isn't possible for most, especially if they are constant and/or intense.  It's about changing the stories we tell ourselves about them.  Speaking of stories, with your permission, I'd like to take a little break and share a little bit of my story and some of the things that I over came.

A Little Bit Of My Story

While I had health issues for many years, in 2018 things had gotten so bad that I had to go on medical leave from work and move in with my parents out of state.  In 2020, after 2 years of putting it off, I finally dove in and tried a popular brain retraining program.  Over time I added more tools that I found supportive such as somatics, tapping, empowered self talk, journaling, inner child work, and more.  And I over came many things, some of which I had been told I would have the rest of my life.  While not a comprehensive list, these are some of the things I have overcome. 

I'm about to mention some symptoms and medical labels, so if it is not available to you yet to read about them, please skip past the bullet points and go to the next section below:

  • Complex PTSD

  • Fibromyalgia 

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)

  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

  • Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • PEM (Post Exertional Malaise)

  • General Malaise

  • Suicidal Ideation

  • Chronic Body-Wide Pain

  • Food sensitivities

  • Migraines

  • Vertigo

  • Rashes

  • Nausea

  • Fever

  • Malnutrition

  • Sympathetic Dominance

  • Hypervigilance

  • Lyme, Bartonella, and other co-infections

  • Arthritis

  • Air hunger

  • Hallucinations

  • Eye floaters

  • Gastritis

  • Esophagitis

  • Barret's Esophagus

  • Acid / Bile Reflux

  • Adrenal Issues

  • Arthritis

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Uncontrollable Crying

I truly believe I overcame these labels not solely because I used my tools consistently, but I became a different person.  The old version of me felt unworthy, felt small, felt that putting other people's needs ahead of my own was the way to go, and fear and uncertainty ruled my life.  Things began to shift for me when I addressed my beliefs, my values, and comforted my inner children.  This required me to adopt an open mind and a willingness to challenge and change beliefs that were not supportive.

Evidence-based tools to the rescue!

I have spent countless hours studying, researching, and working with people to develop a deep understanding that health challenges manifest differently for each individual.  There are evidence-based tools such as neural brain retraining, somatics, tapping and more that have helped support people during their healing journey.  Just like a builder wouldn't use a hammer in every circumstance to build a house, it is important to use the proper tool and use it in a way that meets you where your nervous system is at.

A good example of this is that some programs insist that a person do one hour or 90 minutes of visualizations every single day.  I had a client come to me in tears because an "expert" told her she would never heal if she never did her one hour of visualizations every day.  This was simply not true.  I think programs are wonderful and I think they are a great starting point for most people but they rarely have the structure where a person gets a personalized approach to using their tools.

With my new integrative approach, my clients are getting to the underlying root causes of their symptoms and having a deeper understanding on how their body works, which has led to better outcomes.  If you would like to see if we may a good fit in working together, please send me an email at and I will get back to you within 1 business day.